Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cinematic Tripping..

Some movies can set you thinking, some can take your breath away.. some can make you believe in magic, in destiny ..some can renew your faith in mankind ourselves..

I like such movies, where you don’t need to think, rather the cinema itself takes you for a ride, takes you to another level ,another world, like dopamine, inducing your senses and taking complete control..

My soul tripping happened with Neelakasham Pachakadal Chuvanna Bhoomi, literally translated means The Blue Skies, The Green Sea and The Red Earth. So what fascinated me about the movie was not the clichéd love story, nor was it the brilliance of the slow moving script, but it was the journey, that Kasi-Suni road-trip, it paralyzed me completely: the Blue Skies over their heads, the Green Sea roaring by and the Red Earth under their wheels, it exuberated my senses.

Throughout that cinematic picturesque journey, the evolvement of the protagonist, his thoughts, his actions, his deeds got me thinking. It got me thinking of my actions, my deeds, my dreams..

My dreams where drifting like seas weeds in a turquoise realm where the chances of it drifting ashore where one in a million, my thoughts where wavering .. were my actions justifying my senseless drift was my only qualm..

I knew what  I needed, I needed to make Kasi’s  road-trip, I needed that karma filled renaissance, that exuberant  hit of weed on my senses, I had to find my Himalaya, my place of peace…before the burning flames dwindled into nothing but fumes..

In life, we live once, we love once..we make a lot of decisions, some foolish, some wise, but  whatever decisions we make  or we have made, it has made us who we are, and what we intend to do will definitely take us to our Himalaya, our place of calm, our place of tranquility, our place of peace...

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