Friday, November 23, 2012


Walking by the withered tree, a feeling of helplessness escapes ..a misty puff of breath through the serenely silent night..
Walking by, eyes can’t escape the withered tree so longing for life..

The transversal bark reminds the onlooker of the million stories yet untold but longing to cast..
A deep sense of incompleteness is what fills the serene night…something filled by the melancholy untold tales of the poor wilted life
When gazing longingly into the wilted branches, it only seems as if burdens have weighed heavy on the withered tree without casting a loving glance..
Not a drop of water to quench the parched roots, the withered branches looks away, it would have cried, the withered tree, if words could have its way..
As the last leaf has its way, the onlooker glances once again… if the withered tree could have its way , I am sure it would have wished for another day..

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Success is relative term. To be relative means, it’s subject to change, circumstances and also influence of factors.

It is an absorbent term, a mirror which reflects our true personalities and reveals who we are at the core of our hearts.

For me, success is not defined by the money that we make at the end of the day but the amount of smiles that we have been able to generate because of our deeds.
In our lifetime, the definition of success changes, time and again and at some point it becomes constant, and then changes again for the greater good or for the lesser evil, both which are the results of our choices.

In our youth, success is the amount of medals we win at an event and the number of praises that we get from our friends, at then before we enter the corporate world, success is or rather becomes a high package with the major perks and allowances.
But as you step in, and go beyond, what we really want at the end of the day is peace, a calm , sound and a night’s sleep and not the money that keeps filling into our bank accounts at the end of the day, it becomes more than that.

If through your deeds and through your actions you can sleep in peace at night, and bring a smile on a stranger’s face and say with pride and content that I am living the life that I dreamt of , it’s at that stage that success becomes constant.

It then changes only when, we step into a new world of marital bliss, but again solely depends upon our choices and the commitments we make.

Success does not make us, success has always been and will be created by us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis?

Ever thought you would feel as if the whole world is up against you and you feel so alone that you have no one but yourself to console?

Ever thought you would feel that your just breathing 
because God has no plans to take your life anytime soon?

Well then you are going through quarter-life crisis, a phase of utter confusion, anxiety, fear of failure and acceptance by family, friends, conflicts with your inner most self, where you see battles wage between your dreams and reality…

We all go through a trough in life, a point where we feel the sun shines not for us but for rest of the world that the rain lashes away not to lighten our joys but to remind our soul of how depressed we are…

The more depressed we get, the more we fail to understand the realities of life, we close ourselves to love, joy, any kind of true and blessed emotion portrayed by friends and family. The fear of losing someone near and dear increases and the normal joy you would feel being with family ceases to exist.

You end up sitting for hours, looking ahead into point blank darkness and end up seeing your soul dying into oblivion. What becomes of you, what is left of you is nothing but just mass, a human form devoid of emotions and pain.

But is it even remotely possible not to feel any kind of emotions, if that is the case, then tears should not roll, your soul shouldn’t seek for comfort or long for love…

Spiritual bliss is a way out. It is longed by one and all at a certain point in time. A sense of gratitude is another way that helps to overcome this state, a change in place and change in our vicinity is what the soul yearns for. The medicine is known but the application unknown and unsought for…

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Coffee Table

This is one place where you would practically see all sorts of emotions…
A few years back the only thought that I used to get whenever I saw a café was, “a place to waste money” ..why should or why would any person as a matter of fact shell out money for a cup of coffee when you can make one at home?

But over the years as I grew older and when emotions and solitude start to hit you like starry meteorites, I found that at the coffee table I could leave all those things to rest.

Sometimes just getting out of a place and sitting at the corner of a café redolent of brewing roasted coffee beans, watching the people go by , kids playing around and laughing , birds pecking at the crumbs of the leftover butter croissant … can give such an immense sense of peace and a moment of reflection..

In addition to the aromatic therapy of the coffee table what pleasantly surprises me is how the simple café has encompassed a variety of emotions. The proposals of love, candid talks, gossips of chattering women folk have left prints of beautiful memories on them and I bet if the coffee tables could talk, it would be a delight by itself to hear these wondrous tales.

So is this the magic of the coffee table or the brewing aromatic coffee or simply the beauty of the human mind to extradite itself to the fumes of the mesmerizing brewing beans..
Well to unravel that mystery, a nice cup of cappuccino in a French style café would help..

Monday, May 7, 2012

Half Empty or Half Full

This has always been a trick question used by psychiatrists and interviewers to understand how the human mind works..
Well the situations could be different when we take the well-defined example of the glass containing a liquid of any desirable form ..

Critics say it can be analysed in two ways : either the glass is empty or the glass is half full , the defined answers will tell you about your character traits. But wouldn’t these two answers be the already predictably set answers that anyone would answer and moreover would it be fair to judge the person by the set of answers he gives.

Well to a certain degree, it wouldn’t be fair because then we would be categorizing the person solely based on the answer that he gave when he was in a particular mindset. So does that mean that the person has to be constantly alert and on his toes so as to not be wrongly cataloged or categorized??

Well my question is, is it superceedingly right to categorize a person when he gives either of the answer and what is the possibility of a third answer?
Well if I was asked this question, I would have three different answers in three different situations.

If I had an emotionally wrecking week and I was just desperate to get a job and then comes the question of how do I perceive the glass, well anyone can guess that my answer could be “the glass is half empty”. Now critics say that this answer shows that I have a low morale and I am pessimistic person, but sorry to say wouldn’t that be your answer as well considering the circumstances.

Second instance, an absolutely confident week, great things happening in life, the answer to the same question would be “the glass is half full”. The answer would be so if the previous questions preceding this question were answered well. So does that mean that I am not an introvert or I don’t have a pessimistic attitude towards life?
And the third answer would be, “the glass is full”. Its half filled with water, the rest of the half is filled with air and my imagination to think so.

So what psychiatrists and the interviewers would then select is the third answer, being that I thought out of the box and on my toes.

3 different answers in three different situations…

So ideally it is not about the glass being full or not full , its merely my ability to write about this glass which is the main context of this blog.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Turning Pages...

Today I felt like going back and just rewinding those gigantic clocks which kept reminding us of our last days as students in Bimtech.

In the very last minutes of final prep for the exam, one thing just kept coming back to my mind, 

‘Is this is the end?...Does leaving a place which we are very familiar with, its people, its vicinity ...Does it actually signify the end of the vast journey that lies ahead…?’

Well the journey at Bimtech was more like a new book…where the initial pages seemed hard to comprehend, things just didn’t make sense, and the feel was new, the words tough to digest…               
But then as the reading progressed, a realisation; every chapter had something new to offer, be it in the form of new groups, new friends or be it a complete new turn in our individual personalities.

The familiarity also led to the rise in the fondness for the book… with each page bringing about a stark realisation and also questions, what next??… and a silent prayer, hoping that we don’t reach the end so quickly…

But then as the end draws closer, neither running away from the reality that awaits us nor refusing to turn the pages because of the fear of losing is going to change things…
The book has to end, because this end is going to start something exciting for us, it’s going to bring with it new fears and anxieties. But it would never mean that we won’t look back at what we had experienced and smile at the sweet memories, because if it had ended it ended because this new phase had to begin…

Adieu to everyone who was part of this beautiful book called Bimtech...

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Each and every year passes by with a lot of memories and these are created by people around us... It can be friends, well wishers, family or enemies...but each of them leave a mark, a mark in our lives, some memorable, some deplorable, some distinctively hurting and some deeply moving..

What do we thank for every year...good health, good friends, fantastic job, or a good soul mate??

Who do we thank each year... God , Family, Friends or enemies??

Well who do I thank... Each and every person mentioned above...

Simply because each day has been a journey; over the seas. .. Fighting tears and going through every emotion possible maybe for the wrong things now but for the so right things then... Then getting your life back on track by receiving the bundle of dark and venomous lies disguised as a bundle of joy only to see yourself fall  right back from where you had started...But oh yes, the journey continued, and what has it resulted in? 
It has made me stronger, strong enough to fight back with prayers and a great friend by my side...

It is very surprising how life just keeps pushing you forward and helps you forget the past ... How the strong word love brings about a hurricane of joy and happiness which actually makes you realise the joy of all the sufferings and pain and that it was actually worthwhile to go through all of that to get this bounty of joy now..

So how has the year been for me? U.N.B.E.L.I.V.E.A.B.L.E  and evermore simply  F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C...