Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis?

Ever thought you would feel as if the whole world is up against you and you feel so alone that you have no one but yourself to console?

Ever thought you would feel that your just breathing 
because God has no plans to take your life anytime soon?

Well then you are going through quarter-life crisis, a phase of utter confusion, anxiety, fear of failure and acceptance by family, friends, conflicts with your inner most self, where you see battles wage between your dreams and reality…

We all go through a trough in life, a point where we feel the sun shines not for us but for rest of the world that the rain lashes away not to lighten our joys but to remind our soul of how depressed we are…

The more depressed we get, the more we fail to understand the realities of life, we close ourselves to love, joy, any kind of true and blessed emotion portrayed by friends and family. The fear of losing someone near and dear increases and the normal joy you would feel being with family ceases to exist.

You end up sitting for hours, looking ahead into point blank darkness and end up seeing your soul dying into oblivion. What becomes of you, what is left of you is nothing but just mass, a human form devoid of emotions and pain.

But is it even remotely possible not to feel any kind of emotions, if that is the case, then tears should not roll, your soul shouldn’t seek for comfort or long for love…

Spiritual bliss is a way out. It is longed by one and all at a certain point in time. A sense of gratitude is another way that helps to overcome this state, a change in place and change in our vicinity is what the soul yearns for. The medicine is known but the application unknown and unsought for…

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