Sunday, April 10, 2011

Born to be Free....

Walk by society norms...You are a woman that’s what’s expected of you...She did that? How could she...isn’t she bringing disrespect upon her are a woman and that’s how you should be.....

It sounds rather funny to me that people who tell you to follow your dreams are the ones who pull you down the most...Is a human being bound by people around her..Let’s say her family...more specifically her parents....her uncle...her aunt...her cousin...her grandaunt...her cousins dog’s ...her cousin’s cousin’s dogs...her neighbours...neighbour’s would sound rather ridiculous...and believe me it is...but not when you actually hear it...
Is it written under any law or in any book that a girl should get married before she is 25 and that if she marries when she is 30..she has committed a crime..Or if she has not married at all...she is psychopath or a loser or a woman with attitude?????
I believe if she doesn’t marry she is doing no harm to anyone, rather she is not spoiling a person’s life by entering into a commitment and spending a life of complete unsatisfaction and misery ahead.
I sometimes wonder aren’t we just too tied up or bothered about what society says or just too scared to voice out our own feelings and we just go on saying yes to everything to what society says is right...have we forgot the fact that whatever society says is not law..It’s a question that always keeps popping in my head, who are we bound to listen to...who are we accountable to... when does a woman actually feel free, unchained and unbound...does she ever feel or enjoy this freedom during her lifetime...when can she actually do something absolutely crazy and not feel accountable or responsible for it to anyone..
When will she be free...

A bird won’t learn how to fly if she is put in a have to let go of her at some point of time...understand her...feel her...she has dreams...she is different...she is not like every other bird you see....she is unique ..One in a billion....
She is meant to be different...She is meant to be free....


  1. i knew this was coming, i so very knew this :D. I really cant talk from ur point so i will try my way of thinking. dnt feel like i m hypocrite so complain to me if i sound like 1
    See the last para u wrote was somehow funny to me. U wrote every women is diff she is unique , one in a billion, so r everybody else. Its not that only 1 is diff and the rest so many 9s are same, everybody is diff and society is made up of all these diff individuals. what society says or preaches is not law but a common thought shared by so many of them.
    Somehow parents are the people who r supposed to understand their children the most because of the fact that they have spent most time with the individual and they have seen them evolve. But this is not case with everybody sometimes they actually become who know nthing abt their children because of their own set standards/perceptions abt their children.sometimes they cant differentiate between the perception and reality.
    The only thing that can be done is explain to them what u want to do. explain them the positives and make them sure that u can handle things if go opposite to what u expect or what they fear.

  2. well that is a pretty interestn thought..n u were nt being a hypocrite by anyways..
    wt i meant in d last para was thta evry person is unique...and ur rite each person's uniqueness gives u d world around us...but sometimes people or rather parents whu seem 2 noe mre abt us and unfortunately nuthn abt us...are really scared 2 accept d fact that der child is unique and is different frm otrs...

  3. enthadi...veetil cherakkane thappi thudangiyo?? ur writing says that this crazy duckling is having some crazy ideas....Dont worry birdy, no one can cage a bird for long if it determined lik u :))

  4. u can say lyk tat also appu....thkgawd d haircut saved me frm an early marriage.e...:P
