Sunday, November 20, 2011


An invisible bond which defines everything, what you are for someone and what you can be for anyone. It is that invisible thread which changes everything , the moment you acknowledge someone’s presence in your life.

Mysterious as it seems, it is one of the most beautiful things ever. Its funny how knowing a person for eight years makes you realise that you don’t know the person anymore in a matter of minutes...and  how knowing a person for less than a year can make you build a relationship which could possibly last forever. But the possibility of the term “forever “, well it is not in my dictionary, the term does not suit  relationships because defining a relationship forever is an understatement, simply because it cannot be defined. What it is for you and me may not be for someone else, what you feel for someone may not be the way the same person feels for you. To be in a relationship forever is a blessing, a feat which only few in their lifetime achieve.

A relationship is not defined and created by some heavenly force, rather it is build here on earth by us. It is a choice that we make ...a gift given ...yet unseen...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The answers to all your questions begins with a doubt and then a persistent search for the truth followed by a whole hearted acceptance of why the question was asked in the first place, followed by head banging on the wall as to what were you thinking when you decided to search for the answers to all those random questions.

Well confusion leads to questions which results in the so called search for answers, and well in some cases , let’s not be rude in “all cases”, this leads to more irrelevant questions which leads to even more irrelevant answers. So in the end you have a mixed bowl of confusion, with some questions and answers as fickle as mustard seeds garnished on top.

Then again the question arises, why ask questions when seeking answers would lead to more confusion. Well sad to say, the heart never stops asking, and the mind gives away to the wails of the heart, adamant bastard he is. So this would result in you ending up being messed in questions and then trying to console the poor wailing heart and mind.

Some doubts are good, it has resulted in the overall development of the human race, let’s say that the search for truth led to the rise of a great religion, Buddhism. Now that ain’t that bad, when you look at it in that perspective. Enlightenment was a result of a question, and  it was because of the search of that answer that we had the great enlightenment of Gautam Buddha and the subsequent birth of the religion.

Well I think my search for answers will end up under a tree like Gautam Buddha or I would up end like Newton finding gravity if the apple wished to honour me with its presence.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I really wish we were born without them.

When you know it’s pointless to ponder over something that can never be part of your life and still think about it day and night, that’s when you really wonder why were you born with emotions...

“You never learn from your mistakes, take the liberty to crash land right into it whenever you feel so.”

“Would you prefer emotions with a pinch of lemon and salt or do you want it hands down, rock hard..dry? ”.. My heart said “Dry!” .. “Alright...then add some sugar and spice and everything that’s nice, and if you could, add a dash of lemon and see how lovely it is.” “Believe me ..Pathetic!” I told my heart  two days later, “You have a bad taste, a glass of wine and a smoke will get you back to your senses, and that’s exactly what you need...”

“Learn from your mistakes, take the liberty to walk down the glass stairs and please if you crash land, do so safely because no one would be there to pick up the broken pieces.. it would be just you and only you..”

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love What You Do...

Start loving what you are doing in life..

It’s actually a good rule, but what if, what if what if.. ( I stress and emphasise on “what if” because in this context and as you read ahead this phrase is very important) ...the thing that you are doing in life like a job is not what is going to give you lifelong satisfaction or happiness for the rest of your life, so then the question would be ; Would you still continue to ignore this fact of complete non-satisfaction and keep pretending to love the thing that you are doing and completely forget what you actually want to do in life???   
                                                                                                                                                   Well technically speaking it would actually make you look insane or anyone would rather consider you insane.

Well a friend of mine told me why he was not doing what he was really good at . According to him “Well you don’t pursue your hobby because it wouldn’t be your hobby anymore and your pretty much not sure whether you would still love doing it with the same amount of passion and satisfaction if you took it up as a full time job and I don’t think I will be making the bucks out of it.” Hmmmm...So we work for bucks and not for the satisfaction???

Well what if you start doing something and half way through you realise that this is not what you want to do for the rest of your life, then what do you do? Do you wait till the end or do you just leave halfway and follow what you want.

I will add another twist, what if you realise that what your doing is not what you want to do, and you are pretty sure that ,that’s not what you want to do for the rest of your life, and you are also not sure what else you would do if not the other job...then?..then my friends what do you you still run away from it or would you rather wait till the end  for some kind of divine intervention; like a voice from above, or some holy light to tell you that “Dude just run..”??

It may just sound crazy, wait not to wait, run not to run....I am reminded of Kung Fu panda when I write this , “quit don’t quit..noodles no noodles........yesterday is history ..tomorrow is a mystery...Today is a gift tats why it’s called present”..Trust Faith and Greatness ...”Trust in yourself only then will you have Faith in the future and become the root of Greatness” well  this line seems kinda , faith or what we commonly call as belief. Belief in Yourself.

Well to that belief I add time, taking time to realise what you actually want to do in life, that is if we have the luxury of doing so, because it would be no fun ...down the lane, 10years later, you end up being all depressed, sad and in a mess because you didn’t do what you wanted to do, what your heart told you to do..because then it would be just too late...too late to follow your follow what you really wanted in life...because then if you needed to take a step you would have to think about a lot of people whose life depended upon your decision...

So , You still sure about what you are doing?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

White sand....

White sand ...sea shells and the foam of the deep blue at its best or the creator at its best!

It’s kind of astonishing or rather it’s amazing how nature just surprises me or leaves me completely amazed all over again,  a wave seeping in between my feet and taking back with it not just sand , but pain, feelings, emotions...
The most mesmerising thing is how nature communicates by just being doesn’t pretend to be someone else...a complete stranger it can calm the most troubled hearts with just a an amazing walk on a white sandy beach with the sun gleaming over a deep blue sea can just transform you completely ...set you thinking ..and can  simply leave a smile on your face...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Born to be Free....

Walk by society norms...You are a woman that’s what’s expected of you...She did that? How could she...isn’t she bringing disrespect upon her are a woman and that’s how you should be.....

It sounds rather funny to me that people who tell you to follow your dreams are the ones who pull you down the most...Is a human being bound by people around her..Let’s say her family...more specifically her parents....her uncle...her aunt...her cousin...her grandaunt...her cousins dog’s ...her cousin’s cousin’s dogs...her neighbours...neighbour’s would sound rather ridiculous...and believe me it is...but not when you actually hear it...
Is it written under any law or in any book that a girl should get married before she is 25 and that if she marries when she is 30..she has committed a crime..Or if she has not married at all...she is psychopath or a loser or a woman with attitude?????
I believe if she doesn’t marry she is doing no harm to anyone, rather she is not spoiling a person’s life by entering into a commitment and spending a life of complete unsatisfaction and misery ahead.
I sometimes wonder aren’t we just too tied up or bothered about what society says or just too scared to voice out our own feelings and we just go on saying yes to everything to what society says is right...have we forgot the fact that whatever society says is not law..It’s a question that always keeps popping in my head, who are we bound to listen to...who are we accountable to... when does a woman actually feel free, unchained and unbound...does she ever feel or enjoy this freedom during her lifetime...when can she actually do something absolutely crazy and not feel accountable or responsible for it to anyone..
When will she be free...

A bird won’t learn how to fly if she is put in a have to let go of her at some point of time...understand her...feel her...she has dreams...she is different...she is not like every other bird you see....she is unique ..One in a billion....
She is meant to be different...She is meant to be free....

Monday, March 14, 2011


Can I choose not to fall?
Can I choose not to decide?
Can I stop choosing between my life and that of the one’s I love?
Why is it that we have to decide..Why is to so difficult to choose...
Isn’t there times where you cant just decide what to feel as if you are running through this if everyone is chasing u...and u wait for that bleak ray of light..that sign of getting someone....
Can I also do that.. just run and wait for that light ..for that someone...and not decide and by not hurting anyone by the choices I make....

Wouldn’t life have been more better....why is there only this one opportunity to do what is right....why is there only one person you can be with...and that person has to be the right one...why is that you have to do the right things always...what if we don’t..what if we cant....what if we never can...
Why do answers end up in “I don’t know”...”I cant decide”....
Why is always that at the end deciding always hurts....why is that love hurts....

Friday, March 4, 2011


What does a face normally remind us of???? The person , maybe the pain, maybe our sadness...regret....
A face can tell you a thousand stories ...a story of experiences..a story of regrets and joy...and sometimes it just portrays love..unconditional love...but does it always show the truth, the whole life don’t we all don this mask of happiness and humbleness...don’t we actually be someone else in front of a complete stranger, ready to even walk upon our own to be completely accepted and hide our real face behind a mask of absolute falsehood and lies...??.
But i think faces show or portray raw truth, like a face of a child...pure innocence, naughtiness..laughter...sadness....but as we grow in age...we grow in wisdom but we also lose our selves ,somewhere in all the chaos of life, in the race to reach first we forget even how to smile..
I don’t have much to write in this blog but a lot to show because i learned and understood that no one can write about feelings or emotions , it can only be witnessed through personal experiences and for me I experienced it when I collected these pictures....each one of them was so very different, so raw, natural...some portrayed  ages of struggle ,hardship and pain...
Some my personal favourites...and a new and renewed thought..Every face has a story to tell..just look into the eyes ..and you can read it.....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do You Believe In Fairies...

Have you ever  believed in fairies’???..or Santa Claus....????? Have you ever believed in pixies or magical mushrooms....or pixie dust and goblins????
Have you ever believed in magic????
I still remember  I was  four...and it was Christmas dad waking me up and telling me that Santa had left me presents....and me and my sister running to our Christmas tree....and seeing presents lying below the tree...and I indeed believed that Santa had left them for me.  Over the years  I wrote letters to Santa...left it on the Christmas tree....sometimes writing stuff like...I was a good girl this year....and that I don’t want anything for Christmas except for my family and I want my daddy to be there with me always.....

But when I realised that there was no  such thing as Santa that very moment I  think I grew up...I stopped believing in magic and fairies and reindeers ....but whenever I  read an Enid Blyton book...I could never stop myself from  imagining pixie cottages surrounded by honeysuckle and primroses and  talking yellow canaries and wizards and gnomes...because somewhere within I just never wanted to grow up.....

I think telling a child that angels or fairies  don’t exist is like telling him that he has no imagination....I sometimes wonder why are children trying to grow up so fast....why are they losing their  childish instincts. Children are the most beautiful creatures on earth....they can believe in magic or angels, they can smile in the most beautiful way that can make all your sadness just go away....their innocence can make you wonder what  have we become...

I think I ought to thank my parents who never stopped me from imagining and believing in beautiful things like fairy tales and magic...who brought me all these wonderful books...and taught me the spirit of  Christmas and how even if your 21 , and you’re stuck in some subway...or even if you’re in some investment bank running figures on futures, options or can still imagine the most beautiful things and you can never stop the child within you from  imagining and most importantly believing in magic ......

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can we walk through Life alone....

Can we walk through life alone...without love, care and company...
Is it necessary to be in love to understand love...Could life have been very different if we never existed..or if people  who we thought were important to us ,never existed...Is love suffering...Is hatred and non forgiveness the key to keep away the waves and pains of love ...Does solitude define why we exist without any reason ... Belief or Faith are they one and the same...What is faith...What is truth...What is passion...Is it just words to stir the utmost unconscious minds of a human being or is there some truth or some underlying value and meaning to these words....

When walking through the woods mind was full of questions such as these....a wise friend told me...that thoughts could be dangerous...and this set me I isolating myself from the rest of the world because of my I thinking too much..thinking far away from reality and making life way too complicated..
I thought the best way to answer them was by just not facing them at the I walked further down...i came to a halt...because the paths ahead were two..and since both looked  quite travelled..i didn’t know which one to take...I smiled to myself and said “Like the poets say lets take the one less travelled”...

As I kept walking, the forest ahead grew more unfamiliar but  something  within me just kept me walking...the paths were rough...woods one ahead and no sign of any habitation... I turned up the volume and switched to a track which I loved hearing...The tune of Forgiven by Stephen Devassy set the perfect mood...and all the unfamiliarity around me just dissolved into this perfect ambience and beautiful weather...
As i walked back..I sat across a wild stretch of field...the next track on my playlist...actually made me smile...”Thy word is a lamp onto my feet.....when I feel afraid and think I’ve lost my way..still you’r there right beside me...” It kinda set me thinking  again...and the blowing wind felt as if it was consoling me....and I realised that in life sometimes the answers to all questions are not to be searched but they are to be revealed at the right time...sometimes we need not go in search of answers  sometimes the answers may just come to us.....”

Peace and tranquillity at times may just come to us....when we least expect it...when we are unsure....and when we think that we have lost everything....but then it takes just a walk through a lonely untrodden path to find out..that peace is around you...and it comes to you when you least expect it....