We normally hear the word religion almost like everyday in our life, our life runs by this very word, in fact our very existence seems to be because of it...but are we confined to the word religion?? Is our freedom of thought, act or speech bound or restricted by religion???
Religion by and far is defined or has been defined as a set of beliefs that one follows, ones faith in the supernatural or divine unexplained forces, but is a religion followed under pure freedom or is it because of the fear of isolation ,still remains the big question.
But to answer this would be like to question the practises put forward and followed by our ancestors, their thoughts, their religious beliefs which has been passed on from generation to generation, and if anyone does...it would be considered blasphemy...but the necessity to question arises because we have become dependent on religion..we try to find reasons for our wrong doings from religion , and give vague answers that our misdeeds would be forgiven...but isn’t this like testing God’s patience over and over again...and covering up our faults and shoving them under the carpet called religion?
Religion has blinded us from being human..it has made us forget our humane side, in the name of religion people kill, in the name of religion they commit horrendous acts and seek all sought of justifications, in the name of religion people forget to love and in all this we forget it is us, we humans who created religion ...
Losing love, fearing to love only because you belong to a certain religion ,caste or creed doesn’t make sense....because to love the only thing needed is a loving heart...and to be morally right and to do what is right we don’t need to be religious...the only thing needed is a pure heart.....A world without religion, without fear of losing someone to the name of religion is a world we can only dream about but its not a dream that is impossible .....